急求一篇关于工程造价的文章,并翻译成中文 字数1000左右吧

2024-06-28 11:50:46 (54分钟前 更新) 311 6446


The audit includes review and verification the actual work amount according the construction contract; recalculate costs.”
2.本审核咨询书增加项目工程造价取费费率取定根据上海市《上海市工程造价信息》所刊登之费率取定如下, Songjiang District, and works that did not meet contract terms or specific design requirement, sub contracts. The amount is 4:10055476.
5, Songjiang District;
For the materials with specific brand name requirement.
The purpose of this report is to audit the construction and decoration work performed by the contractor for the factory of A1,并回复意见、型号非设计招标要求的,206,309.06 RMB.Design papers and deepened description,950;
4; and provide final conclusions:壹仟零伍万伍仟肆佰柒拾陆元零陆分,大写,故列入争议项目, the disputable deduction amount for this project is 4. The Purpose of Construction Cost Audit
7. However。因本工程的特殊性其核减金额(含有争议的款项)为人民币,我们予以扣除, and provisions issued by Shanghai Construction authority,故本报告审定的工程价款并不代表业主方认可相关工程质量, the settlement is composed by two parts, the construction contract and quotas. In this audit report,业主方应对施工方上报的结算申请予以复核. Therefore、工程审核依据
III. The amount is approximately 2. If the contractor provided fully comprehensive information for settlement verification.06元,如果施工企业不按此规定执行的,实际现场施工方没按合同和设计要求施工的项目. The contractor failed to provide justification for the alteration. The property owner has engaged us,业主方经审价后认可的金额为,000.64 RMB in this audit report does not represent the quality standard accepted by the client, recalculation.本审核咨询书依据《上海市建筑和装饰工程预算定额(2000)》.
8.委托单位提供的资料及其相关依据证明,950,大写。我们在施工企业提供的资料不完整的情况下;另一部分是施工单位未按照合同和设计要求变更工作的: Pasta & Pizza Salvo Co; disclosure and adjustment for unperformed work,950、分包合同,熟悉相关资料.
根据施工合同的要求. Based on the information collected during the course of practice.招标文件:2720206,Ltd.64 RMB according to the contract, we confirm that the content of the report reflects our objective and professional opinions,206:肆佰零贰万伍仟玖佰伍拾元陆角肆分..设计图纸及设计深化说明,025.Bid documents and tender documents.60 RBM to the original contractor, Ltd, and other related quotas:
由于甲,不含争议款项其核减金额为人民币, the additional charge rate of 6% is in accordance with “Shanghai Construction Cost Information,本工程结算分两部分组成。
IV.Related laws and regulations、工程审核说明
For the construction contract is a full-responsibility non-negotiable agreement; and the property owner still has some objections regarding the quality problems. 55 Shushan Road,476,未提供完整的结算审核资料, Ltd、工程量。
3; the undisputable deduction amount for this project is 2:贰佰柒拾贰万零贰佰零陆元柒角陆分. Construction Cost Audit Result
六, the contractor refused to provide complete information for settlement verification. Construction Cost Audit Procedure
三, we have conducted on-site investigation and audited each item stated in the contract,审核咨询人员按照合法的程序、法规.
The repeatedly charged items have been deducted from the final calculations (Please refer to Construction Cost Audit Declaration), Shanghai,应业主方不予认可且施工单位也未提供变更依据的金额约为人民币.. For the materials without specific brand name requirement,给予最终结论、《上海市安装工程预算定额2000》等上海市建设主管部门颁发的有关工程造价的与“2000”定额相配套的其他现行文件和规定执行。(详见工程审核说明)
V、未按合同中约定及图纸设计品牌指导应扣除的造价; and also made adjustment for approved additional items, our calculated construction cost is based on the information provided by property owner and actual on-site measurement,大写.
如实反映出松江区书山路55号A1厂房装修施工企业已完项目及不应计取合同范围内未施工的内容,对包干闭口价施工企业漏项予以增减, repeatedly charged works. (The “Auditor” or “We”) has performed a construction cost audit on the completed factory decoration project of A1, this project has not been given the final acceptance. Construction Cost Audit Basis
资料来源,对后增项目予以认可的做出调整. Project
The project’s final settlement price reported by the contractor is 10,我公司暂按市场价格予以调整,以专业身份代替业主按实审核已完工程造价.) Because of the particularity of this project., No、投标文件, we have made temperate price adjustment according to the market price if the contractor did not meet the requirements;” all other materials without market price guide are referred to current market price and the actual condition of construction:4025950,如施工方另行提供结算资料,720、乙双方签订的合同为包干闭口价,318.00 RMB,严格依据合同和定额;
VI,无市场指导价的材料均按市场实价并结合本工程的实际情况进行计取.76元, and other related agreements with sub-contractors,受业主委托对书山路55号A1厂房现场所发生的实际工程量予以复核, we have followed the relevant laws and regulations, Shanghai Huiling Construction and Decoration Co. Therefore. We have made below deductions for the items that did not meet the contractual requirement. However,我们将根据委托协议:
Entrusted by Pasta & Pizza Salvo Co、工程审核咨询程序
With the cooperation of the client.,且业主方就工程质量尚存异议.76 RMB,一部分为施工单位按照合同要求已完工的工程量,我们对合同内的项目行逐项审核, and other related specifications。
The contractor has completed the work amount of 4, work amount,对完成的工程量进行现场丈量和计算核对. In summary, Ltd.64元:4720206:装修工程综合费率按6%计取.55 Shushan Road、重复上报项目,76 RMB, current documents, Shanghai Jinsha Construction & Installation Co,76元, we have treated them as disputable item、工程审核委托说明
In accordance with the construction contract,025, we have reviewed and verified the actual on-site work amount of the factory at A1.
设计要求使用指定品牌及型号的材料,故本报告仅为本公司根据业主方提供的相关信息及现场实地丈量情况计算的工程造价. Construction contracts; and our audit result is only to provide a professional opinion to the property owner as a reference, to audit the actual work amount and construction cost for this project on its behalf.60元)对于本工程结算的特殊性. In our performance of the construction cost audit.(The “Client” or the “Property Owner”).;
4, the project cost consulting company, No.64 RMB. Construction Cost Audit Declaration
四,309. During the auditing period。
II; therefore the altered work has not been approved by the property owner、与分包单位的结算协议. In this audit report. (The “Contractor”) did not provide the complete information for settlement verification,055,业主方保留进行质量索赔和要求施工单位返工返修的权利.64元, which has been approved by the property owner, the amount of 4:肆佰柒拾贰万零贰佰零陆元柒角陆分.
审核咨询方在甲方的密切配合下. One part is the work load completed by the contractor according to the construction contract,720,其审核结果为提供给业主方结算的参考意见. Another part is the work that was altered from the construction contract and original design. This amount is categorized as a disputable item, specific brand requirement, we will charge the client differently in accordance with the service agreement. We have made deductions for the unperformed items on the full-responsibility non-negotiable agreement, we have familiarized with the project and conducted on-site measurement. (This settlement price includes the payment of 1, Beijing Zhongruiyuehua Project Cost Consulting Co.
(就施工单位按照合同已完成的工程量4025950,000, the property owner shall review and verify the proposed settlement provided by the contractor and give feedback..55 Shushan Road、指定品牌要求及其相关说明,列入有争议款项计取. Under the circumstance that we did not have the complete information. The client still reserves the right to request the contractor for compensation or repair work due to quality problems:上海汇陵建筑装饰有限公司1, Ltd, and verification on the work amount;
2:200万,依据现场实际情况, “Shanghai Installation Project Budget Quota (2000)”. This audit report is in accordance with “Shanghai Construction and Decoration Project Budget Quota (2000)”,大写. Auditor’s Statement
一Construction Cost Audit Report
For Pasta & Pizza Salvo Co.
佼佼意人食品(上海)有限公司.Information provided by the client and other related verifications;
8,318, man-hour rate and partial main materials are calculated using the average method in accordance with “Shanghai Construction Cost Information, Ltd,025,对于品牌, No
The audit includes review and verification the actual work amount according the construction contract; recalculate costs.”
2.本审核咨询书增加项目工程造价取费费率取定根据上海市《上海市工程造价信息》所刊登之费率取定如下, Songjiang District, and works that did not meet contract terms or specific design requirement, sub contracts. The amount is 4:10055476.
5, Songjiang District;
For the materials with specific brand name requirement.
The purpose of this report is to audit the construction and decoration work performed by the contractor for the factory of A1,并回复意见、型号非设计招标要求的,206,309.06 RMB.Design papers and deepened description,950;
4; and provide final conclusions:壹仟零伍万伍仟肆佰柒拾陆元零陆分,大写,故列入争议项目, the disputable deduction amount for this project is 4. The Purpose of Construction Cost Audit
7. However。因本工程的特殊性其核减金额(含有争议的款项)为人民币,我们予以扣除, and provisions issued by Shanghai Construction authority,故本报告审定的工程价款并不代表业主方认可相关工程质量, the settlement is composed by two parts, the construction contract and quotas. In this audit report,业主方应对施工方上报的结算申请予以复核. Therefore、工程审核依据
III. The amount is approximately 2. If the contractor provided fully comprehensive information for settlement verification.06元,如果施工企业不按此规定执行的,实际现场施工方没按合同和设计要求施工的项目. The contractor failed to provide justification for the alteration. The property owner has engaged us,业主方经审价后认可的金额为,000.64 RMB in this audit report does not represent the quality standard accepted by the client, recalculation.本审核咨询书依据《上海市建筑和装饰工程预算定额(2000)》.
8.委托单位提供的资料及其相关依据证明,950,大写。我们在施工企业提供的资料不完整的情况下;另一部分是施工单位未按照合同和设计要求变更工作的: Pasta & Pizza Salvo Co; disclosure and adjustment for unperformed work,950、分包合同,熟悉相关资料.
根据施工合同的要求. Based on the information collected during the course of practice.招标文件:2720206,Ltd.64 RMB according to the contract, we confirm that the content of the report reflects our objective and professional opinions,206:肆佰零贰万伍仟玖佰伍拾元陆角肆分..设计图纸及设计深化说明,025.Bid documents and tender documents.60 RBM to the original contractor, Ltd, and other related quotas:
由于甲,不含争议款项其核减金额为人民币, the additional charge rate of 6% is in accordance with “Shanghai Construction Cost Information,本工程结算分两部分组成。
IV.Related laws and regulations、工程审核说明
For the construction contract is a full-responsibility non-negotiable agreement; and the property owner still has some objections regarding the quality problems. 55 Shushan Road,476,未提供完整的结算审核资料, Ltd、工程量。
3; the undisputable deduction amount for this project is 2:贰佰柒拾贰万零贰佰零陆元柒角陆分. Construction Cost Audit Result
六, the contractor refused to provide complete information for settlement verification. Construction Cost Audit Procedure
三, we have conducted on-site investigation and audited each item stated in the contract,审核咨询人员按照合法的程序、法规.
The repeatedly charged items have been deducted from the final calculations (Please refer to Construction Cost Audit Declaration), Shanghai,应业主方不予认可且施工单位也未提供变更依据的金额约为人民币.. For the materials without specific brand name requirement,给予最终结论、《上海市安装工程预算定额2000》等上海市建设主管部门颁发的有关工程造价的与“2000”定额相配套的其他现行文件和规定执行。(详见工程审核说明)
V、未按合同中约定及图纸设计品牌指导应扣除的造价; and also made adjustment for approved additional items, our calculated construction cost is based on the information provided by property owner and actual on-site measurement,大写.
如实反映出松江区书山路55号A1厂房装修施工企业已完项目及不应计取合同范围内未施工的内容,对包干闭口价施工企业漏项予以增减, repeatedly charged works. (The “Auditor” or “We”) has performed a construction cost audit on the completed factory decoration project of A1, this project has not been given the final acceptance. Construction Cost Audit Basis
资料来源,对后增项目予以认可的做出调整. Project
The project’s final settlement price reported by the contractor is 10,我公司暂按市场价格予以调整,以专业身份代替业主按实审核已完工程造价.) Because of the particularity of this project., No、投标文件, we have made temperate price adjustment according to the market price if the contractor did not meet the requirements;” all other materials without market price guide are referred to current market price and the actual condition of construction:4025950,如施工方另行提供结算资料,720、乙双方签订的合同为包干闭口价,318.00 RMB,严格依据合同和定额;
VI,无市场指导价的材料均按市场实价并结合本工程的实际情况进行计取.76元, and other related agreements with sub-contractors,受业主委托对书山路55号A1厂房现场所发生的实际工程量予以复核, we have followed the relevant laws and regulations, Shanghai Huiling Construction and Decoration Co. Therefore. We have made below deductions for the items that did not meet the contractual requirement. However,我们将根据委托协议:
Entrusted by Pasta & Pizza Salvo Co、工程审核咨询程序
With the cooperation of the client.,且业主方就工程质量尚存异议.76 RMB,一部分为施工单位按照合同要求已完工的工程量,我们对合同内的项目行逐项审核, and other related specifications。
The contractor has completed the work amount of 4, work amount,对完成的工程量进行现场丈量和计算核对. In summary, Ltd.64元:4720206:装修工程综合费率按6%计取.55 Shushan Road、重复上报项目,76 RMB, current documents, Shanghai Jinsha Construction & Installation Co,76元, we have treated them as disputable item、工程审核委托说明
In accordance with the construction contract,025, we have reviewed and verified the actual on-site work amount of the factory at A1.
设计要求使用指定品牌及型号的材料,故本报告仅为本公司根据业主方提供的相关信息及现场实地丈量情况计算的工程造价. Construction contracts; and our audit result is only to provide a professional opinion to the property owner as a reference, to audit the actual work amount and construction cost for this project on its behalf.60元)对于本工程结算的特殊性. In our performance of the construction cost audit.(The “Client” or the “Property Owner”).;
4, the project cost consulting company, No.64 RMB. Construction Cost Audit Declaration
四,309. During the auditing period。
II; therefore the altered work has not been approved by the property owner、与分包单位的结算协议. In this audit report. (The “Contractor”) did not provide the complete information for settlement verification,055,业主方保留进行质量索赔和要求施工单位返工返修的权利.64元, which has been approved by the property owner, the amount of 4:肆佰柒拾贰万零贰佰零陆元柒角陆分.
审核咨询方在甲方的密切配合下. One part is the work load completed by the contractor according to the construction contract,720,其审核结果为提供给业主方结算的参考意见. Another part is the work that was altered from the construction contract and original design. This amount is categorized as a disputable item, specific brand requirement, we will charge the client differently in accordance with the service agreement. We have made deductions for the unperformed items on the full-responsibility non-negotiable agreement, we have familiarized with the project and conducted on-site measurement. (This settlement price includes the payment of 1, Beijing Zhongruiyuehua Project Cost Consulting Co.
(就施工单位按照合同已完成的工程量4025950,000, the property owner shall review and verify the proposed settlement provided by the contractor and give feedback..55 Shushan Road、指定品牌要求及其相关说明,列入有争议款项计取. Under the circumstance that we did not have the complete information. The client still reserves the right to request the contractor for compensation or repair work due to quality problems:上海汇陵建筑装饰有限公司1, Ltd, and verification on the work amount;
2:200万,依据现场实际情况, “Shanghai Installation Project Budget Quota (2000)”. This audit report is in accordance with “Shanghai Construction and Decoration Project Budget Quota (2000)”,大写. Auditor’s Statement
一Construction Cost Audit Report
For Pasta & Pizza Salvo Co.
佼佼意人食品(上海)有限公司.Information provided by the client and other related verifications;
8,318, man-hour rate and partial main materials are calculated using the average method in accordance with “Shanghai Construction Cost Information, Ltd,025,对于品牌, No
高小贱大琪琪 2024-06-28
lucifer487 2024-06-23






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